Tanz – BRIDGE International Ltd can help you establish long-term trading partners for industrial produce, primary products and supplies that you need for marketing, distribution and production. Establishing new suppliers in any marketplace can cut down your costs considerably and ensure that you have means of production and distribution and international marketplaces around the world.
We can develop projections for the cost of supplied products in each new marketplace so that you can set aside a reasonable amount of capital for buying and selling primary resources for your production line. We can do the research ahead of time so that you know the direct price for crops, manufactured goods, minerals, supplies, marketing or anything that you may need in your new international market.
Tanz – BRIDGE International LTD set the goal to the training process with a number of sale and processed goods in international trading. Our expertise has positioned us to gain experience includes cash crops, minerals, farm products, vineyards and wine, farms, animal products, and more. Our experience include helping companies’ process primary products, stamping them with their name and then selling them is processed goods in local marketplaces.
Our company can give you access to various sources of capital and supply as well as help you with the initial buying and selling to establish your international network. Our trading services go far beyond simply finding new sources for products or raw materials, we can help you strategize in international markets as well as develop an international network that can take your company to the next level.